Happy moments on Teacher's Day at SMKM...
Our Senior Assistant,Cikgu Johan and our disciplined master,Cikgu Nazar serenading 'Suci Dalam Debu'
The students turn musicians... entertaining the teachers
Part of the crowd..
Our Senior Assistant reading the message from Minister of Education..
Say cheese...
All dressed up for their special day
Welcome ceremony
Playing time,Cikgu Sham throwing the coconut..
Time to be kids again playing with the baloons..
The ever- sporting Senior Assistant,Cikgu Johan
The teachers have to wear this uniform for the games..ladies in kain pelekat and men in kain batik
Amin behind the key-board
Entertaining her teachers with "Situasi"
Reading the ikrar
A teacher is everything..A band of musicians comprising Smkm teachers..
Singing the song Kami Guru Malaysia.
Selamat Hari Guru buat rakan-rakan guru semua.Semoga kita dapat meneruskan perjuangan kita dengan semangat yang kental dalam menghadapi kerenah anak-anak didik kita dan dunia pendidikan yang yang semakin mencabar...
Mudah-mudahan usaha murni kita mendapat keberkatan..