So,to my regular trespassers,sorry for this post is again about my children.When it comes to children I always write about Along. I do not know..maybe because he is my firstborn so I have high hopes on him.I want him to be the role model to his younger sisters and brother.I want him to set and pave the way to the right direction so his siblings could follow.
Now UPSR is over.PMR is over too.For mommy dearest this brought a little bit of relief,at least for the time being.There is only one more countdown, that is to SPM.
When PMR was approaching, I had been making my way to my Angah's school every weekend to guide her on her PMR preparations.Now it is over and it is time for me to make up the lost time that I should be with Along.So ,when he called me last night,I had no excuse of not meeting him today.
As early as 7:00 am this morning I was already up and about in the kitchen.First I had to defrost the chicken for I planned to cook chicken rice today and had lunch at Along's college.While the iced chicken was doing the defrosting, I brought out wet clothes to be hung outside.Why wet?Yes washing machine is jammed for it can't spin.I had called the Panasonic agent ,but they said they could only come the soonest on Sunday.So ,I have to wring wet clothes which are rather wet and messy for 2 days.
After all the clothes were on the cloth-line,I got into the house to do a bit of cleaning.I am very particular when it comes to dust,so I would sweep almost every day.When it was done and the chicken was a bit defrosted,I started cooking.Everything was done at about 11:00 am.By 11:30 am I was on my way to Along's college.
As usual,mommy dearest will have to bring extra food for his friends.Along will ask the same question every time,"Ma bawa makanan lebih tak?"
Then he will invite his friends to join us.Living and growing up together under the same roof for the last five years have made them very closed, like brothers.
Mommy and son enjoying their lunch
Along's sanctuary for the last five years...
After lunch,we discussed about their studies.They are having extra classes almost every day, even on Fridays.Their days will start at 7:30 am right until 10:30 pm with of course a few breaks for meals,solat and riadah.There are times when the teacher will extend up to 12:30 midnight.Phew...they are in full steam now.They have to, for starting this year the Examination Syndicate will categorise A grade into 3 levels; A+,A and A-.So, only the cream will get the best offer!
We talked about their plans after SPM.It seemed that all of them hope to get selected into fast trek program.They are now still waiting for the offer.Hopefully this year the respective sponsors are still offering fast trek program to those students who achieve flying colors result in their SPM trials.
So, best of luck children, both in your SPM and for a place in fast trek program.
Madam Gold
You sound apologetic for writing more of your family lately. Why should you when you deserve to talk about them and be happy with what they seem to show; so long as there are no signs of praise and admiration. I have had my opportunity, leaving just Almanar pupils to care for and write about. I hope all the three will prove worthy of having a home like yours – with more than just strings of A’s ( Apa itu pencapaian?- my posting)
Incidentally, I have not received any mails.
Thanks for your kind words Pak cik.
Well,we cant have everything in life...
My children are my pride and my joy.That s why I love to share their stories with others.Am trying to equip them with duniawi and ukhrawi matters, insyallah.
Looks like the mail has gone astray again.Will try .
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