Saturday, October 3, 2009

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to my big-baby boy,
Wish your life ahead be filled with joy,
Always remember age is only a date,
You are the one who determine your own fate,
Study hard,work hard and uphold good values,
Success and triumph will embrace you,
May Allah blessed you with happiness and wealth,
And not to forget a clean bill of health,

Happy 12th birthday,
Many happy returns of the day.


Naz in Norway said...

Happy Birthday!!! My second too celebrates his bday today :)
Lovely picture of mommy and son...sampai senget senget kena cium...hehe!

Kak Teh said...

Selamat ulang tahun dan semoga dipanjangkan umur dan dimurahkan rezki. Dah besar anak mama...! Memang cepat masa berlalu - anak bongsu kak teh dah pun masuk university. Ingat lagi masa dia masih boleh duduk di atas riba.

Miss Zahidah Zakaria said...

happy born day big boy!
may ALLAH bless him

ibu,mommy,mom... said...

happy birthday ,hope he had a great birthday

MariaFaizal said...

Happy birthday handsome boy!!!
And have a great, wonderful life ahead..especially when you have such a winderful, great mommy!!

Take care sis!

P/S: I think this post is extremely sweet sis! :D

Memorable trails... said...

Salam Naz,Kak Teh,aisyahumaira,ibu...and Maria,
Big baby says thank you and a big hug untuk semua.He just wants a ghost story book from her mommy for a birthday present.
Selamat duit maknya...

DrSam said...

Happy belated birthday to your big-boy. Semoga menjadi anak yang soleh dan kebanggaan kedua ibubapa.