Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Best of luck!

To all SPM candidates,I wish you all the very best of luck,especially to all my students and not forgetting my Along.Semoga ditenangkan fikian dan dilapangkan dada serta dapat menjawab dengan cemerlang dan mengikut skema.

So , tonight I am going to miss my line dancing class for the second time.No...no.. I am not going to sit down with Along to do last minute revision.In fact, he is not at home but safe and sound at his hostel.Let us just say tonight mommy dearest has to do what a mommy got to do.

Finally ....the last exam in the family this year.The last count down...May Allah bless us all.


ibu,mommy,mom... said...

Semoga Along do well .
I know what you're gonna do...Go do what you have to do,insya ALLAH
berkat doa ibu akan diberkati ALLAH

Memorable trails... said...

Thanks ibu,mommy...
He is my eldest,so I have high hopes on him to lead the way for the younger ones.